Q Edward “Ed” Buck
lives as an openly gay man. Having previously run for city council in West Hollywood, Buck regularly supports candidates who are also openly gay. His name has made news not for his political ties but the death of a gay sex worker in his WeHo home. After the death of Gemmel Moore, another Black sex worker speaks of his dealings with Ed Buck and Buck’s perceived obsession with gay black men. Buck was also exposed as allegedly using the “n” word and opining over drugs on social media accounts bearing his name and likeness. This sounds eerily similar to recent events involving the former dean over at USC.
According to the WeHoTimes the Los Angeles County Coroner reported the death of Gemmel Moore, 26, as an accidental meth overdose at 7:22 p.m. on July 27 at the West Hollywood home of high-profile Democratic Party donor and political activist, Ed Buck. The youth’s death reportedly occurred just hours after he left his family in Texas in order to join Buck.
While a case detail report filed by the medical examiner lists the manner of Gemmel Moore’s death as an “accident” and its cause as “methamphetamine use,” the deceased man’s mother told the WeHo Times that something more nefarious may have occurred in the short hours between when her son hopped on a plane using a ticket she says was purchased by the well connected Buck, and the moment he took his final breath.
Buck, a one-time Republican, came to Southern California from Arizona several years ago and gained a reputation for making generous donations to the Californiaand L.A. County Democratic Party and chair of Stonewall Democratic Club’s Political Affairs Committee.
Read the full story on Sex, Politics, Meth and Death in West Hollywood on WehoTimes.com.