Despite the hoopla, former Sen. Isadore Hall III was confirmed by the full Senate to be named to the Agricultural Labor Board. His biggest battle is brewing against Gerawan Farming who has publicly asked the FBI to investigate the board and has now filed a motion to prevent Hall from weighing in on their pending case against the board. Why did this start? Hall marched with the President of the United Farm Worker’s labor union, and publicly declared his solidarity with the UFW campaign against the Gerawan Farming employees and was then appointed by Gov. Jerry Brown to the Agricultural Labor Relations Board.
Related: Who Safeguards California Farm Workers’ Rights?
At issue is Hall’s ability to be fair to agricultural employers because of his dependable support of union labor, and especially the United Farm Workers. The Gerawan Motion for Disqualification points out that Hall was assigned to a job where 90 percent of his work will be to adjudicate UFW-related issues, and half of his work will be Gerawan-related.
Related: FBI Called On For Investigation of California Ag Labor Board
Gerawan Farming filed a motion with the ALRB to disqualify former Sen. Isadore Hall from making any decisions related to their pending cases. And for good reason. Not only does Sen. Hall have no experience in or related to agriculture,Hall even voted for the “farmworker overtime bill” to force morefarming employersinto United Farm Workers union contracts.
Read the full article detailing the motion on
Ay dios mio.
1 Comment
Well I guess he thought he was GONNA use the same tactics that he used in Compton. NOPE and that’s why YOUR gone