Former Compton Mayor Omar Bradley is in the June 8th runoff. His opponent is the current Mayor Aja Brown. He is also fighting the LA County District Attorney’s office who appears to be blowing smoke up Compton voters butts. Unfortunately, they’re not paying attention.
This author came across this meme on Facebook. It was posted by the “Compton Watchdog” who is alleged to be a city employee. The meme poses the question, “why is Omar Bradley running for office while awaiting charges for misappropriation of funds?”
Bradley will appear in Superior Court today fighting charges from 15 years ago, despite the CA Supreme Court throwing out his conviction, which enables him to run. His record contains no felonies.
2 Urban Girls remembers the DA’s office using this exact argument in 2013. The people should see this court case as the sham it is.
Are we to believe the DA’s office is that inept that they couldn’t have closed this case years ago, unless there is no case to begin with?
A good example of the court system running a Black man into the ground, with endless court dates, with NO conviction is Kalief Browder in New York.
He was held in prison for three years, spanning dozens of court dates, to be released citing “no witness”. He was 16.
The Black District Attorney and countless Black judges kept returning Kalief to solitary confinement, over two years of his three years being incarcerated. Despite this, the DA won reelection.
Related: Weighing Bronx DA Candidate’s Role in Controversial Rikers Case
The District Attorney’s office should be admonished by the Board of Supervisors for wasting taxpayers money and the misprosecution of a Black man. There is one Black person on the five body board.
The DA is Black too.
Do we really need people in positions who look like us, if this is how they will treat those who look like them?
Where’s Aunty Maxine? Compton needs you.
The Compton Watchdog is the same Aja Brown supporters, read Aja Brown, who released the tasteless and non-factual Bradley-Zurita Crime Family video. As to be expected, their assault on Omar Bradley is based upon “fear and smear.” Never do you see the Compton Watchdog indicate Bradley was exonerated and cleared of all charges and therefore is eligible to run. Never do you hear the Watchdog say Bradley is not a felon. Never do you hear them say the charges were for $7000 in credit card charges, which the then city attorney Legrand Clegg stated were allowable. It is obvious, the county District Attorney has an ax to grind so resurrects this case each time to try to prevent Omar Bradley for running, just as it is obvious that AJa Brown is indulging in bashing rather than running on her own merits or lack thereof. The question for me is why is Los Angeles county interfering in Compton’s election, and what reason are they supporting Aja Brown. They are dumping immense amounts of money into her campaign through the unions and Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas. Our own homegrown candidates, for mere thousands, can not competed with her $150,000 war chest. What is the county buying? So far, the city has halted Aja Brown from trying to sell the police department building, 600 Alameda, and others buildings to the county. So far, the Brickyard was sold to the Los Angeles County Employee Retirement Association. Now the Mayor is talking about how the site for Alondra Regional Park is contaminated and can be sold. So far, we have lost our city run ambulance service taken by the county and ten employees. So far, there are concerns about our finances and how far leveraged the city is, especially considering our buildings like city hall are held as collateral on our bonds. Danny Bakewell, confidante of Mark Ridley-Thomas, got a pass on monies due the city under Aja Brown. Compton’s Successor Agency is having a fire sale on Compton-owned properties. While Aja Brown supporters like the “image” she conveys, one should be more concerned about the substance of her impact on this city. And while the “imahe” of purity is foremost, the dirty reality behind the scenes is she is a practiced mud-slinger like this Watchdog video and Watchdog meme shows. This is a coordinated attack by the county in support of Aja Brown, as you say, a sham they roll-out each election periord. The part that offends me is the tagline “Save Compton.” If you truly want to save Compton, then you need to send the county a message and vote their puppet Aja Brown of Pasadena out of Compton.
SEIU gave her campaign $20,000