Compton residents will look forward to the General Election June 6th. Seats for Mayor, Treasurer and Third District are all headed to the runoff between the top two vote getters. In theory, Mayor Aja Brown lost to the residents of Compton only receiving 47% of the vote but will enter the runoff against Omar Bradley June 6th.
Residents see current Mayor Aja Brown hobnobbing and embracing many of the city’s former gang members turned philanthropists. She is proud of their commitment and dedication to the city’s youth. Fun Fridays began at Dollarhide Senior Center in conjunction with the 400 Hundred Waze Foundation and a CD signing by Kendrick Lamar, at the local Best Buy, were positive events. The mayor proudly attended the ‘Straight Outta Compton’ premier which highlighted a former Compton residents rise from drug dealer to acclaimed rapper. Dr. Dre has pledged to finance a performing arts center.
The mayor seems to embrace reformed rappers, but not reformed elected officials. She continues to call her opponent a “crook” “criminal” and “gang member”. At press time, Omar Bradley has a clean record, due to the CA Supreme Court tossing out his conviction. Is he not afforded the same redemption that the current mayor heaps on her supporters? Many of which have used their gang affiliation as a form of “art”?
On the other hand, a former employee successfully sued Mayor Aja Brown, regarding her employment program for the city’s youth, which was a tremendous flop due to Compton Unified’s refusal to assist with students obtaining work permits. A CUSD board member referred this author to the link below detailing CUSD was under a federal investigation and thus didn’t give access to students from “outsiders”.
The Treasurer’s race should have be a slam dunk, however, the city’s elderly residents must not mind that their tax money is oozing from city hall with no recourse. The treasurer is steadfast in his contention he is a good steward of the city’s money, however, his investments have not seen any real increase of returns which was evident when council declared a fiscal emergency paving the way for passage of Measure P.
The Third District will see Tana McCoy v Tomas Carlos. Almost deja vu of Zurita v Alatorre last year. Has the district gained new Latino voters or will the residents place Ms. McCoy back on the dais? Social media comments are flooded with dissatisfaction, yet, their votes say they want the insanity to continue.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein
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