Marijuana lobbyists won’t be happy about this. On December 13, 2016, the Hawthorne mayor and city council unanimously passed Resolution No. 7872, declaring a moratorium on the establishment of non medicinal marijuana use in the city. The moratorium is set to expire on January 27, 2017. The city will receive a report at tomorrow’s city council meeting, recommending the moratorium stay in place for an additional 10 months and 15 days. Will this lead to medicinal marijuana use being immediately available?
The city of Hawthorne will hold a Public Meeting, Tuesday, January 10 to discuss the extension.
Mayor Alex Vargas has yet to publicly comment on whether he will consider medicinal marijuana use in the city or not.
Council voted in favor of extending the moratorium on non-medicinal marijuana related activities for the next 11 months.
Related: Former California Mayor Connects Cities With Cannabis Companies (Forbes)
Will former Hawthorne Mayor, turned marijuana consultant, Chris Brown, be in attendance?
He has become “the man” on ordinances shaping marijuana laws in cities looking to balance their budget. He has appeared in both Black Enterprise and Forbes discussing the financial benefits the city could reap.
Should the city of Hawthorne allow both medicinal and non-medicinal uses of marijuana in the city?
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