City Clerk Alita Godwin has began cerifying andidates for the April election. The clerk’s office has five days to complete verifying signatures. Some candidates, running for the same seat, have the same signatures and according to the clerk’s office, individuals can only nominate one person, per seat. We should see a final list by weeks end. Both the current and former mayor have turned in papers at the 5:30 p.m. deadline.
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1 Comment
All candidates were given a “Candidate Manual” by the city clerk which gives very specific details of what is required, allowed and not allowed. No where in that manual was the issue of signing more than one nomination paper explained. Also, even though there are rules regarding the dates to start placing advertising signs, there are no consequences for those who violate those rules. I would like to see some changes in that manual for the next election. All candidates need to abide by the same rules.