Over in Los Angeles, folx are looking sideways at a community college candidate, who is seeking signatures, to run in April.[adsenseyu2]
The candidate allegedly abandoned a leadership role within the New Frontier Democrat club and then causing a ruckus when attempts were made to rejoin the organization in an elected capacity.
Club members also complain to the 2 Urban Girls blog of the candidates unprofessionalism when they locked leadership out of social media sites to communicate with party members. New accounts had to be made.
This was followed with additional allegations of inappropriate outbursts at fellow LA city commission members, which resulted with their apparent removal from the commission. They have since rebounded to another appointed seat.
Having been a regular no-show at Democrat party meetings, their signature requests were received with a lukewarm response.
The candidate previously ran for the county central committee for Assembly District 54 (Sebastian Ridley-Thomas) and only garnered 5% of the vote, where their platform was:
Promote a Progressive Party Platform
Attracting young independent voters to the Democratic Party
Helping to elect more progressive candidates and ballot measures
Will this candidate get the required signatures needed to qualify for the April 2017 ballot?