Assemblymember Reggie Jones-Sawyer needs to get at his chief of staff Joey Hill. In an explosive facebook post, Faithful Central Bible Church released audio of Hill cursing out disabled church pastor Marc Little author of the The Prodigal Republican.
From the Faithful Central social media page:
Joey Hill, chief of staff for Assemblyman Reginald Jones-Sawyer, cursed out Pastor Marc Little on voice mail for leaving a letter in their office supporting religious liberty and opposing Senate Bill 1146. Pastor Little calls for an immediate apology by Assemblyman Jones-Sawyer and the immediate resignation of Mr. Hill. No one should ever be subjected to such disrespect by the staff of a public official no matter the disagreement. #fcbc #politicalaction #faithwatch #marclittle #joeyhill#reginaldjonessawyer
Pastor Marc Little Remarks Below:
Faithful Central Bible Church, Inglewood California
(Assembly District 51 and 62; Senate Districts 24 and 35)
Opposition to SB1146
August 11, 2016
While I am encouraged by Senator Lara’s recent move to amend the bill removing the significant components I objected to, I remain opposed to any bill that flirts with removing the exemptions afforded religious institutions to the exercise of their faith. It is my firm belief that any legislation that diminishes religious freedom (as the U.S. Supreme Court itself has done since the 60’s in several seminal cases) is unconstitutional and cannot be supported by our legislators no matter how watered down the bill and no matter how placated the opponents to SB1146 may be for the moment.
Moreover, SB 1146, in its prior form, disproportionately impacted minority students. As a resident in State Assembly District 51 (Jimmy Gomez) and State Senate District 24 (Kevin De Leon), and as a ministry leader and president of the Inglewood Airport Chamber of Commerce both located in State Assembly District 62 (Autumn Burke) and State Senate District 35 (Isadore Hall) I take great exception that no one from the Black Caucus or the Appropriations Committee has spoken out to protect the rights of students where more than 16,000 students, many of whom are black and Hispanic students, rely on Cal Grants and who desire (and have the right to desire) training from a religious institution without interference from this legislative body. These students demand protecting and we serve many of them in our work in the very school we have on our own church campus.
Additionally, this is an attempt to choose one group, perceived to be discriminated against, over a 300-year history in the U.S. without any demonstrable evidence of any discrimination. Accordingly, the entire effort is a mockery of fairness and legislative integrity. Private institutions can and do provide information to the state already; a state mandate intended to protect a certain class is an overreach.
Your freedom as legislators to be irreligious, in many cases, and our freedom to exercise our faith is a constitutional right and no legislature will take that right away from us without significant challenge now and in the future. Let my presence here be a constant reminder that we are watching and praying that this legislative body will not test our resolve in the future to preserve our freedom to exercise our religious beliefs in our schools, universities and in our churches. We remain in opposition to SB 1146 and any other legislation that threaten our constitutional right to freedom from government intrusion in the exercise of our faith no matter where it might be.