Is this the end for Najee Ali? The community has a love/hate relationship with the man formerly known as Ronald Eskew. Now known as Najee Ali, he has made a name for himself as a community activist. Occasionally he benefits from the communities short term memory as his position on certain issues flip flops. It also doesn’t help that Ali was caught on camera doing and saying some really foul shit.
2 Urban Girls found Ali to be a hypocrite when he lambasted CHP for their beating Marlene Pinnock on the side of the I-10 freeway, yet has had multiple restraining orders filed against him, under his birth name, for making unwelcome advances towards women.
2 Urban Girls found him to be a hypocrite when he vilified former Compton school board trustee, Skyy Fisher, for engaging in illicit behavior with an adult male companion. Ali picketed in front of Fisher’s home denouncing his behavior and calling him a menace to children within Compton Unified School District. However, when Michael Jackson was being sued and paying out settlements to children, claiming he acted inappropriately with them, Ali was observed with signage that supported Jackson which in essence is denouncing the victims.
2 Urban Girls also found hypocrisy in his about face to police brutality. Normally, he is front and center of a gathered body of media, who clamor to report on the latest atrocities occurring in “South LA”. Ali is the “go to” commentator as if the community anointed him to speak for us. Instead of speaking out against the killing of a South LA woman, he was making off the cuff remarks to the victims husband.
During the July 12 LAPD Police Commission meeting Najee Ali was caught on camera verbally attacking Jasmyne Abdullah of Black Lives Matter Pasadena chapter and political commentator Jasmyne Cannick. His actions included putting his finger in both women’s faces, jumping in their faces, calling Ms. Abdullah by a surname she has rejected and no longer identifies herself, just as Ali doesn’t respond if you call him “Ronald Eskew” and then he really got beside himself.
The most VILE thing to come from the video was his comments directed towards Marcus Vaughn, the spouse of Redel Jones, a woman killed by LAPD and why all of the above players were convened at 100 West 1st St. Again, Ali has made a name for himself seeking justice for victims of crimes, yet he was heard telling Mr. Vaughn “that’s why she got shot”.
2 Urban Girls received an “I told you so” message that prompted the writing of this article. It is horrible for members of the Black community, who have trusted Najee Ali during their most vulnerable of times.
Najee Ali, to my knowledge, has yet to publicly address what happened during the July 12 meeting nor has he offered an apology to Marcus Vaughn. Since when is it acceptable to tell a grieving widow that their spouse deserved to be killed and more importantly, how do you plan on rectifying this situation Najee?
Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti will probably keep Ali on the CERT team and in his inner circle of trusted Black folks, to ensure he retains a connection to black voters as he prepares for re-election in 2017. Garcetti is known for issuing grandiose press releases for Black people he is putting on certain commissions, when the fine print reads they are only there to serve out the remainder of a term.