This past weekend, Democrats descended up on San Jose, CA, for the democratic convention. Many household names were no brainers, when they picked up their endorsements. What wasn’t anticipated was a trusted ally in the African-American community, turning their back on key supporters of hers.
Congresswoman Janice Hahn is currently running for Supervisor of the 4th District. An area not heavily mired in urban residents.
Hahn courted African-American leaders, who helped her get in office to represent urban communities like Watts and Willowbrook. African-Americans also got her in her congressional seat, which encompasses large urban communities.
When it came time to endorse key races for Senate seats, instead of supporting the likes of Steven Bradford and Kamala Harris, Hahn instead endorsed Loretta Sanchez and Warren Furutani.
2 Urban Girls hears Congresswoman Maxine Waters is pissed about Hahn’s about face.
Speaking of Furutani, when he entered the room to speak and possibly gain the endorsement of assembled delegates, those in attendance shared he remarked “he didn’t know he was at the Black caucus” and easily lost the endorsement to Steve Bradford.
1 Comment
Going against the status quo!!! About time