Assembly members Cheryl Brown of San Bernardino and Mike Gipson of Los Angeles represent safely Democratic districts where re-election should be a mere formality. But Brown faces a challenge from Eloise Gomez Reyes, an attorney who ran for Congress in 2014. And a Los Angeles planning commissioner, Marta Segura, has filed a statement of intent to run against Gipson.
Marta Segura was appointed to the city of Los Angeles Planning Commission by Mayor Eric Garcetti.
Assemblyman Sebastian Ridley-Thomas, D-Los Angeles, said he suspects environmental groups helped recruit the challengers, seeking revenge for last year’s weakening of high-profile climate-change legislation.
It’s especially galling, he added, because both Brown and Gipson are black.
“I think it’s a tone-deaf approach,” Ridley-Thomas said, accusing the groups of using “wedge politics.”
Latino’s have proven to be enviromental leaders by showing their support behind AB 32.
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