A self-proclaimed ethics chief abruptly resigns after divorce proceedings reveal he got caught doing something highly unethical with a subordinate on the job. Using family credit cards, his wife was able to verify the infidelity. In the words of Barry White, he should’ve practiced what he preached.
Jerry Powers served as the chief of LA County Probation for approx five years.
During his watch, it was reported, in 2013, the department lost contact with 2,000 probationers. Powers also ran additional background checks on probation officers, looking for ethics violations, and then violated the employees rights by not providing their mandated Scully Hearings. Ultimately, staff were dismissed outside of the union negotiated time frame for disciplinary measures.
In regards to the woman identified as his mistress, she held a high-ranking position in Human Resources with an annual salary of $160,000. Because Powers brought her in, she bypassed mandatory background checks, every other employee had to go through.
Kym Renner would divorce her husband in order to be with Mr. Powers full-time.
Powers came in 2011 and shook up the Probation Department, as mandated by the Board of Supervisors, all while engaging in the same behavior he willingly fired others for doing. Majority of those terminated were minorities. Many have and are in the process of getting their jobs back.
Jerry Powers official last day is Jan. 4th and in today’s LA Times, Board of Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas, is once again calling for reform in the department.
**updated 12/31/2015**
Comments on a WitnessLA.com article corroborate the claims that deputy probation officers were fired without cause.
This is a common practice with the Board to promote/hire incompetent individuals and give them sweeping power over the rank and file, Only later to be exposed as totally unqualified! The LA COUNTY PROBATION DEPT is comprised of a large number of minorities who are highly qualified individuals who are watching the Probation Dept. be dismantled/and deliberately sabotaged and destroyed!
Probation Officers are Peace Officers and should not be demeaned/belittled due to a history of poor selection of Administrators
The LA County Probation Dept. has done far more GOOD than detriment to our clients, community, and overall well being!!
The LosAngeles County Board of Supervisors should be advocating for Probation! The Los Angeles County Probation Dept.is larger than all the other Probation Dept. combined, Somebody better show SOME-RESPECT FOR OUR WORK AND SACRIFICE
It is a known fact that the people in these Administrative positions. Have bent and broken policy when it’s convenient for them. Jerry Powers should not be getting a retirement package. He resigned! In which he should have been fired like he did so many others. And Ms. Kym Renner should also be fired but we all know the County will sweep this under the rug. With a slap on the hand and we will just move you to another department. Renner knows nothing about DCFS. We don’t punish we help.
No he shouldn’t receive anything, and the employees that was wrongful terminated should receive loss wages
Hell no. It’s jail time for him and me kym needs to go also.
This so called man of ethics, should not get any severance package from the County of Lost Angeles. Thoug the Board of Stupidvisor’s will always take care of their own mistakes. Like leaving Heir Powers girlfriend in her backdoor position even if she isn’t qualified! And really the person who is relieving him, what real background does it have? And yes, the department should be split into two departments, one who knows how to run an adult function and one who knows how to run a juvenile function. Though good luck finding a qualified person who won’t screw people to get the spot! But that’s what this probation department does, it screws people, unless they got their head up someone’s backside or between their legs!
His severance was finally disclosed:
Departing L.A. County probation chief set to receive nearly $295,000 severance