Alex Vargas has sat on the Hawthorne city council since 2009. He was elected via a successful grassroots campaign that allowed him to become re-elected to a second term. He is currently campaigning for mayor, on a platform of bringing transparency to Hawthorne residents. What Vargas has failed to be transparent about is astonishing. In 2013, Vargasc along with former mayor Danny Juarez, were plagued by allegations of sexual misconduct, with city staff. An outside investigation found the allegations factual but not on the level of sexual harassment. Both men had to be counseled on their behavior. Vargas is also not above making derogatory comments on businesses operating in the city.
[gview file=”https://2urbangirls.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/DOC087.pdf”]
Fake News.
Mr. Vargas is a great leader, kind and a honest man. Best mayor Hawthorne has ever had..
Can’t wait to vote Vargas out!