The Sacramento mayor and city council voted on a deal that violated the city’s municipal code. At a May 20, 2014, of the Financing/Housing/Public Financing Authority meeting, the city submitted Report #2014-00346, which related to the Entertainment and Sports Center Terms and Agreement. City staff recommended the mayor and council approve a resolution, in the best interest of the city, and convey property to SBH Downtown LLC, SBH Natomas LLC, SBH Real Estate Group, and SG Downtown LLC, without bids. That decision now has the City of Sacramento in court.
The city municipal code, specifically section 3.68.110, concerning leasing city owned land, without bids, is reserved for government agencies and/or nonprofits only.
Related: 3.68.110 Leasing without bids—Negotiation of terms.
The above LLC’s do not meet the criteria in the municipal code.
The terms approved during the May meeting, were amended at the October 28, 2014, meeting.
2 Urban Girls reached out to the City Clerk’s office, for dates of the council meetings that the land lease transactions transpired. Assistant City Clerk Wendy Kock-Johnson wanted clarification as to “what land” we were speaking of. After stating the land leased to the Sacramento Kings for thirty-five years, for free, it yielded this response:
this will require some research
They have yet to respond back with the information we have already located.
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