Baltimore, Maryland is best known as the foundation of the highly acclaimed HBO series The Wire. The show took a hard look at the dynamics of the city and the relationship between poverty, residents and law enforcement. The current makeup of elected officials differ. The mayor, police chief and prosecutor are all African-American. Despite the presence of high-ranking African-American officials, the Baltimore Sun provided additional insight of the tension between residents and law enforcement, with a powerful expose titled Undue Force, which highlights the more than $5 million spent to settle police brutality cases.
Baltimore State City Attorney Marilyn Mosby announced the six officers, involved with the death of Freddie Gray, face multiple charges which includes murder.
With a police force that is representative of the residents, are we surprised that some of the officers charged, in the murder of Freddie Gray, are also African-American or nah?
Related article: The Wire creator David Simon on Baltimore’s Woes