City of Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson finds himself in a full court press. The Sacramento Bee broke the story today that a city employee has filed a complaint alleging sexual harassment. She is seeking $200,000 in damages. The city’s first black mayor was elected in 2008 but enjoyed a lengthy career in the National Basketball Association (NBA).[adsenseyu2]
Johnson is a product of Sacramento having played at Sacramento High School before moving on to UC Berkeley.
This isn’t the first time Johnson has found himself defending his actions.
Johnson founded St. HOPE in 1998, as a nonprofit community development corporation, while still playing in the NBA. The program began at Sacramento High as an after school program.
In 2007 the Sacramento Bee reported on his owning multiple properties in the Oak Park section of Sacramento that was cited for several code violations. He was also accused of failure to develop key properties in the area.
Two years later, allegations surface that St. HOPE misspent federal funds and agreed to pay back nearly $400,000 over a ten-year period.
Johnson is also an education reformer. He is married to Michelle Rhee, the controversial former Chancellor of schools in the District of Columbia.
With re-election around the corner, it’s time for Sacramento to consider drafting a new city leader.
The employee, identified as Estrellita Ilee Muller, 32, initially filed a claim in 2014 with human resources, after transferring to the department, who found it insufficient.
Related article: Carson mayor responds to allegations
The lawsuit claims the inappropriate behavior occurred in 2013. Just as the Carson mayor was recently sued for similar allegations, both accusers waited a full year before filing.
Which mayor got next?
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