2 Urban Girls has reported extensively on the downward spiral of the relationship between Inglewood Unified School District (IUSD) and El Camino College (ECC). The Board of Trustees frustration date back a few years when IUSD abruptly moved commencements from ECC to LA Southwest College. This has gotten progressively worse this past year with ECC’s affirmative vote to end the contract after this summer, which Dr. Brann vows to restore. A chance ad in the February 2015 edition of L.A. Focus Newspaper provided an additional clue as to why LASC became preferred by the principal of City Honors, upon her return.
In our article “Inglewood’s City Honors is a mess” we revealed that Board Trustees voted to dissolve their relationship with City Honors Charter, a dependent charter in IUSD, that focused on providing students with an opportunity to obtain credits towards college, while in high school.
Related article: The Concrete Rose: The Welcoming Reception for L.A. Southwest College President, Dr. Linda Rose
One board trustee went so far as to state he felt like favor was given to LA Southwest College as opposed to maintaining the relationship with ECC. After all, Inglewood residents vote for representation on ECC’s board, not Southwest’s.
*the City of Inglewood & Inglewood Unified School District are still in litigation over mineral rights*
The ad I mentioned is for a march planned later this month. The lineup of the black leadership’s members included the Executive Director of the Los Angeles Southwest College Foundation. Former city of Inglewood mayor and District 1 councilman Daniel Tabor. His LinkedIn profile verified this is true. He started this position May of 2014.
Tabor is also an alumni of Morningside High School class of 1972. Two years after Inglewood Unified School District was forced to desegregate under a court order, some 15 years after Brown v Board of Education.
Related article: A Painful Lesson in Division