2014 has been a great year for the 2UrbanGirls.com website. This blog was created to make an impact on the community and we have exceeded our goal in every way possible. We are especially thankful to you, the readers, for assisting us.
2UrbanGirls has been successful in reaching a broader audience, which goes beyond urban neighborhoods, as we continue to discuss issues that directly impact our communities.
We continue to build relationships with elected officials and community leaders, as an impartial and objective voice. We have managed to alienate certain elected officials, as a direct result of our “opinion”
We continue to build relationships with local journalists, which enhances our credibility as a reliable, community source.
We continue to build relationships with community members through advocating on their behalf, through researching issues they ask us to look into.
We have read some awesome books, courtesy of our social media followers. “The Creation of a Manifesto: Black & Blue” by retired LAPD Sergeant Cheryl Dorsey, “Death of a Suburban Dream: Race and Schools in Compton, California” by Emily E. Strauss and “The Mayor: How I Turned Around Los Angeles after Riots, an Earthquake and the O.J. Simpson Murder Trial” by former City of Los Angeles Mayor Richard J. Riordan, which are all good reads.
The highlights of 2014 were being invited onto Larry Elder’s daily radio show to discuss race relations between law enforcement and the citizenry; working on Paul Tanaka’s campaign for L.A. County Sheriff and coffee with Mayor Riordan. I challenged myself to meet with them and share ideas and mission accomplished.
In 2015 2UrbanGirls will continue to highlight up and coming community members, vying for local office. 2UrbanGirls will bring you a new monthly series “Urban Girl of the Month” which will showcase urban women, working behind the scenes, in politics. We will also select the winner of our “Dinner and a Movie” contest January 15th, so don’t forget to take our survey.
Again we thank you for the support and don’t forget to click here and vote for the City of Inglewood, in the Curbed Cup Finals, for the annual Los Angeles Neighborhood of the Year.
1 Comment
There’s nothing wrong with “Urban Girl of the Month”, but aren’t there also some men working behind the scenes?