By now everyone in Los Angeles county is aware that Compton school board trustee, Skyy Fisher, was arrested for alleged lewd acts on an unconscious “victim”. Community activist, Najee Ali, staged a protest, in front of Fisher’s home, with all of four people, to embarrass him into resigning, which Fisher has refused to do.[adsenseyu2]
2UrbanGirls posted comment on the story, located on the Wave Newspapers site, which reminded readers Najee Ali not only supported Michael Jackson during a trial of his alleged lewd acts against MINORS Ali also devoted the first chapter of his recently published book, on Michael Jackson’s trial, where he was eventually found not guilty. Why would he support a multiple “offender”, who paid settlements to children, for their claims against him?
Related article: Community calls for Skyy Fisher to resign
Apparently Betty Pleasant took offense to us reminding her readers of this and she wrote about it in her latest article titled “Talking Nice About McKenna and Otherwise About Johnson“.
She asks:
Are you not bothered that Fisher was arrested and charged with sexual assault on a sleeping or unconscious man? Okay.
2UrbanGirls does not have a problem with two men taking a trip together. 2UrbanGirls does not have a problem with possible homosexual activity. 2UrbanGirls does not have a problem with Skyy Fisher’s sexual preference. Most importantly, 2UrbanGirls does not have a problem reserving judgement until ALL of the facts come out in a court of law.
Michael Jackson was exonerated, even after children spoke of being plied with “jesus juice“. Skyy Fisher’s “victim” makes no claim of being drugged and/or kidnapped, on this weekend jaunt to San Diego. Skyy Fisher could be exonerated as well.
Pleasant also questioned why 2UrbanGirls wasn’t protesting in front of Inglewood mayor James T. Butts house, during a recent contract dispute with city of Inglewood employees. Based on the stock photo used in the article on the matter, which appeared in the Wave Newspaper, Betty Pleasant wasn’t physically there either.