The residents in the City of Inglewood, are in serious need of a hospital that can accommodate trauma patients. Inglewood residents have lacked access to a trauma center dating back to 1987 when Daniel Freeman Hospital closed its doors and in 2004 when L.A. County Supervisors voted to close Martin Luther King, Jr. Hospital in nearby Willowbrook.
Current L.A. County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas has made it his priority to reopen the hospital, while back in 2004, then Supervisor, Yvonne Brathwaite-Burke, punked out and abstained her vote. In 1987 it was estimated that nearly 500,000 residents were left without trauma care access.
While Inglewood residents ponder who to vote for in the 54th and 62nd Assembly race, ask yourself this:
How will Sebastian Ridley-Thomas and Autumn Burke work together, to ensure trauma services are fully restored for the residents they will both represent?
Can the new generation work together, in spite of their parents differences, to ensure Inglewood residents have access to a closer trauma center, other than California Hospital in Downtown Los Angeles?
How will they work together on transportation, water and energy issues?
Be sure and let us know when the first debate for the 62nd Assembly District occurs. I hope the former supes daughter is up to the challenge.
How will Sebastian Ridley-Thomas and Autumn Burke work together, to ensure trauma services are fully restored for the residents they will both represent?
THEY WON’T, Remember their parents are running for the seats through them. Their parents are apart of two different political machines that have been at odds for years.
Community members are clear to point out that the 54th and 62nd don’t overlap, therefore, they won’t have to work together on issues such as the county hospital.
I’m under the impression Yvonne has unfinished business she needs to tend to and her daughter is the vehicle to get it done.