In a story first reported by Inglewood’s Morningside Park Chronicle then corroborated by Streetsblog LA, a reputable community blog based out of Los Angeles, it was revealed that Metro plans to erect a 30 ft wall along the Crenshaw/LAX line that will run through the City of Inglewood.
The [MTA] Board is set to approve a 30-foot high, 1/4-mile long concrete wall that will isolate north Inglewood from the rest of the city. This design change was not a part the EIR process and was never disclosed to the public. Metro’s position is that adding this wall is a minor change and will not impact the community in any way.

The Inglewood paper received notice from a LA based architecture firm urging Inglewood residents to speak on Item #53 at the MTA board meeting last week.
Long gone are the days of the painless wait and noise of the train barreling down Florence Ave and now Inglewood residents may have to look at a 30 ft wall reminiscent of the Great Wall of Berlin?
Apparently there are three “concepts” for Metro to choose from. Has the City of Inglewood or Metro held any public meetings to discuss this “idea”?
At the June 27th MTA board meeting, Item 53 was forwarded without recommendation although the Construction Committee recommends approval. Item 53 is listed as “non-consent” so no vote was needed to forward for a full vote at a later date.
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Mayor Butts has attended every MTA Board meeting and has stood in protest to the MTA proposal to elevate the Metrolink above Florence and Labrea as opposed to the original proposal to trench the train there. This results in the 30 foot wall design. We should be supporting the Mayor in his effort to trench both the Florence Labrea intersection and the Florence Centinela intersection.
Now that the election is over and their candidate badly lost, I had hoped Teka Fleming and her paper the Morningside Park Chronicle would try to present a balanced portrayal of the City’s chosen leadership. The voters chose Mayor Butts and his supported candidates, Alex Padilla and George Dotson by overwhelmingly ousting Mike Stevens and Judy Dunlap.
But apparently that is not to be. I didn’t realize the depth of Teka & Randall Fleming’s self-centered immaturity until I heard the podcast at the link below. To get to the heart of it go to the 1:35:00 on. I really thought they had a better grasp of issues. I thought they were more intelligent than they turned out to be.
Teka Fleming writes in her latest publishers message that Councilman Franklin is the chair of the South Bay Transportation Committee when no such committee exists. she mentions it in the context of the Mayor and Franklin lodging protests at an MTA hearing regarding a change option in design that the MTA unilaterally adopted. Ms. Fleming is also opposed to the change. Instead of complementing the Mayor and Councilman, she implies in a sinister manner of a question that these men knew before the item was agendized(it was always and option, but the trench alternative was always scheduled to be constructed) about the change and were somehow negligent in notifying the public. “When did they know?” She doesn’t even know the committee she named doesn’t exist and that Councilman Franklin is the immediate past chair of the Southbay Council of Governments which is not associated with the MTA. When do they stop their divisive destructive agenda?
They complain that the Manchester corridor in Morningside Park is devoid of business and then they complain when business comes. Autozone has purchased the vacant lot at 5th Ave and Manchester and all of the neighbors I talk to here in Morningside Park are ecstatic that business is returning. Somehow, this bad, bad business is brought in solely by Councilman Dotson with his single vote on the Planning Commission. I wonder if Councilman Steven’s appointee (Larry Springs) voted for the approval. Oh….yes he did along with Judy Dunlap’s commissioner. These two supposedly objective journalists are so juvenilely transparent.
Randall Fleming, the “Editor N’ Chief” of this newspaper doesn’t even understand how the sales tax mechanism works when it comes to automobile purchases outside the city. On the linked underground internet radio station he can be heard ranting that if Inglewood residents buy an automobile outside the City, say Hawthorne, they are assessed another Inglewood sales tax when they “cross the border” into Inglewood.
(Truth Moment: Sales tax is levied by the Sate of California at the rate of the jurisdiction the car is registered to….once.)
Randall blurts out on this podcast that Inglewood residents “ultimately pay 20% tax” (listen to the link below from the 1:38:00 on) and he and his wife have the oddest perception of how the City is perceived. Listen to their views on non-profits…community newspapers…etc…these people are in a different world. He claims that City council meetings are edited (“edit out” “delete scenes”, “they lie and they break the law every Tuesday night”) to remove unwanted content. He also claims that video of the meetings are viewed by “employees in favor with the Mayor” to target residents that make complaints. 1:40:00 “Inglewood does not have a real newspaper…There is no independently owned newspaper in Inglewood except ours..” “Everyone else covers Inglewood for purely political reasons…”
He claims that they have the evidence of corruption and have “digitized all these papers and uploaded all of our information into the cloud” because of a newspaper whose house was mysteriously burned down”. “They will never be able destroy our information without nuking the entire United States, because we can go to any server and retrieve our information.” This is at the 1:48:00 to the 1:53:00 section. Randall Fleming is clueless that he comes off as a juvenile, lying, megalomaniac.
If you want a laugh and to see how out of touch with reality the Flemings are, listen to this from 1:35:00 on (Gets really silly at 1:38:00).
Why do you hype for a person (Randall Fleming) and his paper when he has been so disrespectful and rude to you? I saw this exchange on another blog site. He seems to be as out there as Mike Stevens. Did Fleming actually try to get you prosecuted for voicing an opinion on a blog (InglewoodBlockClub)? Don’t you find it repugnant he would attempt to chill you free speech with threats? I just don’t understand…(Bustard is Randall Fleming). Both he and Teka seem very self-centered and juvenile.
This is the exchange:
creolemommie is actually facebook_com/creolemommie aka Melissa Hébert, who is one of many who Butts, Brown Horton and co. have pushed to do their dirty work in a vain attempt to dangle cash in front of the Chronicle—and failed when the publisher did not bite.
But seeing as Melissa is among those who, like the burglars who broke in seeking the state of finances at the Chronicle, is anxious to know how a real community paper is financed, she will also be among those questioned by state constabulary agents after the election is over—for her role in criminal enterprises.
What does one expect from someone who pretends to be two people in her blog, 2urbangirls
Btw: I have a picture of you, Alex Padilla and Judy Dunlap on the stage at Crozier after the event King Day Festival; D.A. Jackie Lacey and Jean Guccione (Lacey’s media person) are standing behind you. Tell me how much money you were paid to lie about people you don’t know, and I’ll send it to you before I publish it.
Comment by BusTard | February 13, 2013 | Reply
Bustard you are hilarious as FUCK!. My blog is FREE thus not bankrolled by anyone.
Comment by creolemommie | February 14, 2013 | Reply
I’m starting to see a pattern whenever I comment on certain topics. My comments are typically followed by MPperson and Metroman on the Wave’s site (wavenewspapers_com/opinion/the_soulvine/article_eab598a2-6b5c-11e2-8788-0019bb30f31a_html) and then as I posted on this topic, I receive follow up from Teka and BusTard who always comment right behind each other (see above) and who both use Metro/Bus related monikers.
To incorrectly assume I am in cahoots with anyone is blatantly false. If you wish to bore yourself to tears, I would suggest reading every blog posting listed on the 2UrbanGirls site. Being in collusion would entail a plethora of articles written in support or against select city officials, which the site doesn’t do.
I also invite BusTard to check my twitter feed twitter_com/2urbangirls where I was tweeting live from the festival at Crozier. You will see the reply from MPChronicle stating they where not even aware of where the festival was taking place nor where they aware that the actual ceremony was taking place inside of the auditorium. To suggest you have photos of me on a stage with the listed individuals is another blatant lie.
I have no ill feeling towards Ms. Fleming nor the MP Chronicle, but all the inuendo is a little reckless, to say the least.
Comment by creolemommie | February 14, 2013 | Reply
It is no more a lie than your initial false claim that certain people were not present at the event. Or did you forget how this thread started?
Comment by BusTard | February 17, 2013 | Reply
The reason BusTard’s comments are after mine is because we’re married and sitting across from each other. He always mentions that we’re married. The fact that people don’t read and don’t remember isn’t our problem.
We’ve been together eight years. We’ve done art together, published books together and now we’re doing the Morningside Park Chronicle together.
Teka-Lark Fleming (same last name as Randall Fleming)
Also we couldn’t find the ceremony during the ceremony, but we found it after it was over. All of the politicians were still on stage.
My newspaper is also not bankrolled by anyone. And you know this Creolemommie, remember? Remember when we met at Darby Park in November? You have my phone number.
Why are you acting like we have never talked before like you have no idea who I am? You know exactly who I am.
Who is putting you up to this? I hope whoever put you up to this is paying you money. I really do, because they have a lot of money which is why they are launching this smear campaign against my newspaper.
If people don’t want to be accused of being duplicitous they should stop being duplicitous.
Teka-Lark Fleming
Comment by Teka-Lark Fleming | February 17, 2013 | Reply
..and if people don’t want to be accused of being wrong, they should stop being wrong.
Comment by inglewoodblockclub | February 18, 2013 | Reply
Also we want to talk about how papers are funded. Let us talk about the Inglewood Today. Let us see you to a post on them 111.
Since certain newspapers want to spread rumors about how my paper is funded. Inglewood Today is funded with your tax dollars. Inglewood Today gets approximately 20K per month of your tax dollars.
Everyone else charges per insertion for public notices.
Inglewood Today publishes per inch. At 49.50 per inch. And grossly enlarges the ad to get YOUR money out the general fund.
The general fund is funded with your tax dollars.
So instead of having normal library hours, a proper cultural arts department, Inglewood gets fancy baseball fields and a poorly edited newspaper.
They get approximately 20K per month to publish that coloring book. I wonder do their writers know how much Brown their publisher makes? I wonder how much he pays his writers.
Teka-Lark Fleming
Comment by Teka-Lark Fleming | February 17, 2013 | Reply
The issue with the 30 ft wall initially came to 2UrbanGirls attention from an article on Streetsblog LA, where they referenced an article in MPC on this subject. A review of the MTA board agenda found that there was in fact a non-consent item addressing the issue. At no time did we infer the knowledge of the council of Inglewood on this matter.
The Streetsblog LA article is here so due diligence was done in disseminating this article. It is Metro’s job to alert the public on issues such as these. Perhaps Metro can use some of their funds to allocate more community outreach personnel to the cities that will be impacted and a novel idea is to promote community meetings on the sides of the buses that travel up and down those same streets?
Urban Girl
2UrbanGirls does not advocate on behalf of the MPC or any of their staff. What we do is bring these types of issues to the communities attention. Although it is apparent you have a deep disdain for the MPC, every now and then they speak on issues that directly affect Inglewood residents.
According to Councilman Franklin’s bio on the city of inglewood website, it lists him as the Chairman of the South Bay Metropolitan Transit Authority. Maybe that can be updated on the cities end if that is incorrect.
Urban Girl
City officials have argued over the Crenshaw/LAX concerns dating back to 2011. the issue is if the mayor attends every Metro meeting and Councilman Franklin is the chair of the Metro South Bay Service council ( how could they not be aware of the wall Metro plans to erect? What is the purpose of the wall in the first place or do you care?